Lieutenant Azure Lore(W.I.P so things may change)
March,8,1790 in the city of Céleste on the coast of the République de Ferrum was born Lily Azure to rich merchant parents that were always on the move and never stayed in one place for too long. as a young girl she lived a fairly isolated life the only people she ever knew being her Parents, and the crew of the ship as she lived on her parent's ship the "Grande Azure", but she loved her life as she was always with her parents.
1791-92 was nothing interesting just normal stuff that a toddler would do like stealing the cookies from the kitchen, but on September,3,1793 something interesting happened while she was on the deck at night after sneaking out from her room to gaze at the stars, she heard something... a voice coming from... somewhere... she called out to the voice, but no response came, but then she heard the voice again, but this time there's two of them, and they are talking about some sort of Legacy of some Lyra Azure... the voices dissipated when she was picked up by her mother because she was caught missing from her cradle.
(not the best at writing lore so it prob sucks)
March,8,1790 in the city of Céleste on the coast of the République de Ferrum was born Lily Azure to rich merchant parents that were always on the move and never stayed in one place for too long. as a young girl she lived a fairly isolated life the only people she ever knew being her Parents, and the crew of the ship as she lived on her parent's ship the "Grande Azure", but she loved her life as she was always with her parents.
1791-92 was nothing interesting just normal stuff that a toddler would do like stealing the cookies from the kitchen, but on September,3,1793 something interesting happened while she was on the deck at night after sneaking out from her room to gaze at the stars, she heard something... a voice coming from... somewhere... she called out to the voice, but no response came, but then she heard the voice again, but this time there's two of them, and they are talking about some sort of Legacy of some Lyra Azure... the voices dissipated when she was picked up by her mother because she was caught missing from her cradle.
(not the best at writing lore so it prob sucks)