Manga cover + Title reveal (The last 2 slides are the concept arts for the cover. I swear if this flops)

okay. Finally. Tbh I couldve gotten this done way earlier. But I had Piano lessons and School assignments in the way. Obviously those r just excuses, my main reason is bc im Lazy..

Anywayy, Ibis was being terribleee. I tried exporting the artwork an hour ago, but ibis corrupted the file before i could export it. So I had to wait literally an hour for Ibis to recover the file

The 2 concept arts were both discarded mainly bc I just lost motivation in doing those ones. I might reuse one of them for future chapters, but for now they’re on hold.

Anywayyy, Here is the full artwork. I didnt want to give away too much in the title or the cover. I want everyone to go into the manga as blindly as possible (Other than the fact that I post leaks every once in a while)

Time : 62 Hours and 48 mins Softwares : Sketchbook and Ibispaint