How strong is Yoru?

Yoru Shiora, the main character to the lore project I’ve been working on since 2020.

(Anyone reading this: if you’re gonna leave a hate comment, don’t waste your time. I don’t care.)

EOS Yoru. Arguably the srongest character in my novel and lore writings:


Strength: Multiversal+ Using chain scaling we can put him higher than a necromancy boosted Zasho, who in his past life was able to push back against the Authority of Wrath’s hand which has immeasurably high newtons of force behind it. The Authority being a collective group that created the universe and the interconnected dimension sets.

Speed: MFTL+ Again chain scaling off of his fight with an enraged Zasho, we see him get pumbled, but eventually scale up with Accelerator, and out speed Zasho by a long shot. Zasho’s scaling here can again go back to his short fight with the Authority of Wrath. The Authority of Wrath’s avatar (nerfed physical embodiment) being fast enough to cross the Home Cluster in less than a millisecond. Due to the size of the Home Cluster (120M ly) this calculates the Authority of Wrath’s Avatar at 2.54•1026 mi/hr

Attack Potency: Multiversal+. Broke Zasho Iami’s universal level barrier: the second highest level barrier creation feat in the novel. ( In a different fight with the Authority of Love, Yoru was capable of damaging her avatar enough to send physical damage into a metaphysical being. Yoru also nearly killed the Authority of Hope with two blows, but he was being boosted by Lloyd’s King’s Gambit, so take that feat with a grain of salt.

Durability: Multiversal+ Yoru tanked multiple shots from Zasho after scaling with Accelerator. Zasho was able to damage the Authority of Wrath’s Avatar which was able to tank an explosion 200 times more powerful than the big bang before they created the known universe.

Endurance: Infinite. Due to Sacred Preservation (see hax) Yoru doesn’t get tired. His muscles may wear out, but as long as Accelerator is running, he will never run out of steam.

Range: Very limited. His range fluctuates a lot. He relies a lot on eyesight to be able to manipulate matter using his Radiant Sculptor, but he doesn’t necessarily need to. His most effective range is relatively close, though.

Intelligence: Average to low genius. He doesn’t know too much more than your typical high school student, but his battle iq is quite high.


  1. ⁠Sacred Preservation. Sacred Preservation is a passive that his soul engraved sigil runs automatically. It allows Yoru to shrug off pain, and keep moving like a freight train even when he’s running on steam. He can continue performing at maximum output even with broken bones and ruptured lungs as shown in an early chapter fight with Xull. Xull shatters 3 of his ribs, and ruptures his right lung, but Yoru shrugs off the pain and keeps going. His body is a machine that won’t stop until you break every last gear.
  2. ⁠Hyper Regeration. In order for his sigil to even function at all, he receives a major boost to his regeneration when Accelerator is active.


  1. ⁠Accelerator: Yoru’s born sigil.
  2. ⁠Reinforcement:
  3. ⁠High Level Barriers:
  4. ⁠Radiant Sculptor: After inserting the heart of Rashomon into his own body, Yoru absorbs Rashomon’s Radiant Sculptor.