I don't want character specific ranked

Seeing all the posts about it, some that say things like;"everyone wants character specific ranked, so the devs should just listen to us." I felt the urge to speak up. Perhaps it's just me, but I get the feeling there's more people who are getting drowned out by the loud people asking for character specific ranked. At least not everyone wants it, and I'll elaborate on why I don't.

  1. Character specific ranked is fundamentally incompatible with free character choices and counterpicking. I like being able to play whatever character I like at whatever point in a set. Every proposed solution to allow for counterpicks with character specific ranked puts some restrictions on what character you'd be able to play when. Including the system Rivals 1 used, which meant you couldn't go to a character that has a higher rank than the one you started with.

  2. Character specific ranked introduces a host of new issues. Whatever formula for determining starting ranks based on other characters ranks you choose (stuff like if your highest character is in platinum, all other characters start in silver) it will never be as accurate as plain ELO, and only invite min/maxing at best or abuse at worst.

  3. The ONE thing character specific ranked is meant to solve, namely allowing people to be matched with equally skilled opponents when playing characters that are secondaries, are worse than your main, already has a solution in Casual matchmaking! If you want to practice secondaries, you can do so in casual. It uses a matchmaking system based on your wins and losses. So playing a couple of sets with a secondary in casual will start matching you with more even matches. Just like ranking up a new character would do, adjusting your mmr over a few games. It makes so much sense to me. If you want to play to the best of your ability, play in the serious ranked mode. If you are playing subpar for any reason, there's still casual. Exactly what the names imply. The only difference to get your even matches is that you might need to face a few stronger opponents on the way to your even matches, which obviously players don't like. But what people don't realise if you're ranking a character up and are facing weaker opponents, there's the same imbalance and you are just as likely to lose due to uneven matchmaking.

So in conclusion, I don't want character specific ranked because I actually play multiple characters in ranked, and want full freedom to be able to choose them. Character specific ranked won't allow for that, and introduces more issues that skew matchmaking. If people want to train or play secondaries, they can just play casual, and find even matches in exactly the same way, without restrictions.