Counterpoint to Mang0 vid: Reducing weight may exacerbate the problem it hopes to fix.
One of the takeaways from the Mang0 vid that seems to have resonated with a lot of the community is that too often a stock devolves into chasing the opponent around at 140%+ fishing for a kill option which doesn't always kill even when you do land it, and to alleviate this, the community is suggesting reducing weight across the board. While I agree with the issue, I think the proposed solution could risk making the problem worse, not better.
The reason I think this is that there's often a window at ~100%-120% where getting a kill feels quite achievable because you can combo into your kill moves - Wrastor is often given as an example of this, but I've felt it, too, as a Fors main. At the lower end of high %, I can combo into bair or combust and often confirm a kill, but the wild goose chase begins when people get sent too far to confirm, and universally reducing weight would just make that window smaller and sooner.
I'm not totally sure on a solution, but I'd maybe suggest increasing the knockback scaling on kill moves instead, while leaving the knockback scaling on combo starters/fillers the same. Unless I'm missing something (which is entirely possible), this would make it less likely you miss that 'golden window' where kills feel achievable, while also closing out the stock when you finally manage to land a kill move if you do miss it.
Tl;dr: If the issue is that it's too hard to kill at very-high %, then reducing weight across the board essentially just means you hit very-high % sooner.