Groot help
I get this every few games….
1) told I’m hiding behind dps - if there is a ult I’m going to move back out of it. If I’m not getting a ton of heals I’m going to be passive and if I’m low I’m going to take cover? I don’t know what to do here if that’s not it.
2) told I’m not using walls enough I use my walls on cool downs I got ripped a new one by 3 self proclaimed smurfs for using my big wall in the fight so started hiding it and this game I get bitched at for not using it in the fight
3) told I’m a bad tank.
I mean I’m not good… but within reason of a silver player what more could I be doing?
What could I have done better here? I’m a silver player so no I’m not a god I know there are probably tons of stupid little things a GM is going to say what the hell are you doing. Without just tearing me apart what do I need to work on?
Forgot to post the ID 10113122975