Anyone had success yet with Human Torch?
Assuming that once you're used to his janky pyroblasts and slowness of primary fire, what's the best way to use his abilities?
After reviewing my footage and trying again and again in practice range, I don't think there's a viable way to use his primary fire even under 15m before the falloff. The main reason is because it's almost impossible to land all your shots for a headshot (which you desprately need when diving) and after testing againest multiple characters firing from almost on top of them, I only managed to delete Jeff and Rocket due to their larger headbox size, regular humans will wiff most damage at <10m.
I find that he is very map dependent and the wider the area that he can cover with his pyroprison, the more sucess he has. But not all maps are able to facilitate this.
Diving serves well as an escape tool but as an offense tool, nobody is seperated enough that you can safely get out of a sucessful dive. I do have some sucess diving into my ally to deny an enemy diver though.
Ult is mostly lack luster unless there's a Storm Teamup or the enemy has some sort of slow effect. Almost everyone just keeps backing up and away from my trail of fire tornados.