Surviving Crowd Crush
Last night was a little rough yall so I thought I might share this guide I wrote about navigating crowd crush and festivals after the last tragedy happened. I’ve been to a lot of concerts and festivals… from hardcore and metal shows to rap concerts and it can definitely get crazy, especially if the barricades aren’t done properly or there is not enough staff.
I’ve experienced crowd crush a few times and want to give y’all some advice on how to avoid it and what to do if you end up in that situation.
Always have enough water. I suggest bringing a large size backpack hydration system. Dehydration causes you to not think clearly and makes you more likely to pass it out. It can be tempting to 🍺 or get 👋 but do so moderately, if at all.
Be aware! After you get to your spot, do a gut check. Do you feel safe and secure? Are you getting bad vibes? Are the people around you acting like aholes ? Trust yourself. If it feels wrong, it probably is and you should move.
After you’ve picked a spot, plan your exit. Note where the barricades are, where staff is, if medical is near by and where the sound booth is. If you are with a group, make a plan for where to meet if you get separated.
Help each other! Be kind and considerate to those around you. If the crowd density is too much, do not force yourself through. If you want to get to the pit, just let people know and they will usually make space. Do not crowdk1ll or open up mosh pits randomly. If some falls, help them up. Do not just push forward to get to the front if there is nowhere to go, this is not moshing… it’s just being a piece of 💩.
Prepare for the initial surge when the performer starts. Do not hold your phone and have your pack on and everything secure. When the crowd pushes forward don’t intentionally run forward but also go with the flow
As soon as you can plant your feet firmly on the ground, preferably in a fighting stance. Bring your arms to your chest to act as a buffer. This means even if you are compressed you have made some room for your chest so you can breath easier.
Go with the flow of the crowd! Fighting or trying to resist will only exhaust you.
If it doesn’t let up, try not to panic. Take stock of your surroundings again. Where is the crowd the thinnest? Start drifting that way if possible. Look to see if there is a barricade, stage, etc that you could climb on. Do not hesitate to leave if you feel things are getting bad.
Try to stay on your feet. If possible make sure you immediately pick up anyone who falls. If not, the domino effect will start.
Instead of screaming, use hand signs instead. Wave, point, grab someone’s arm etc. Making eye contact is also helpful.
If the crowd isn’t also panicking you can ask that people crowd surf you out.
When the crowd pushes forward, there is a lull right after. It acts just like a wave. When the lull comes, that is your chance to move. You want to start making your way toward the thinnest part of the crowd diagonally. You slide in between the pockets of people. You are essentially side stepping. When the wave comes, go with it. When the lull returns, take more steps the same way. Repeat until you get somewhere safe.
I hope these help ❤️ When at festivals and concerts please always be thoughtful and aware. Have a good time! Mosh and get that energy out! But also care about the well being of those around you.
PS: RiotFest has a culpability for last night too. The water and food situation was not ideal. One watering station far from some stages is not safe. It was easier to get booze than water and that always makes for a bad time.