please help my family find my brother, Matt Aragon.

He went missing 11/22/24 and his life is as risk due to his medical history!

Please share this information anywhere you can. The news has not picked up this story and the only way we have been able to get the word out is by social media posts and people resharing.

Please please if you have any info or leads to my brothers location call 911 or 242-COPS

🙏🏽 🩵

please help my family find my brother, Matt Aragon.

He went missing 11/22/24 and his life is as risk due to his medical history!

Please share this information anywhere you can. The news has not picked up this story and the only way we have been able to get the word out is by social media posts and people resharing.

Please please if you have any info or leads to my brothers location call 911 or 242-COPS

🙏🏽 🩵