Y’all Ever Notice That Van Is Always Big-Timing The Boys

Van is hilarious – but I have been noticing that he big-times the midnight boys pretty often. He can be very dismissive.

Some good examples in the Infinity War recast episode. If someone has an idea, like 40% of the time Van hits them with the , “Nah, we’re not doing that.” And then he’ll push his thing through. In other episodes he does this more generally with his interpretations of a particular piece of media too. I don’t even blame him – midnight boys are very soft sometimes, very deferential to Van. Frankly, I think they don’t want the smoke. If they start arguing with Van he will railroad them easily.

I get it tho, he’s older, he’s more senior, he’s the real host, etc. But these cats have to show some backbone. Van doesn’t pull that when he’s paired with Sean or the House of R hosts. They’re too good at arguing for it tbh – the midnight boys aren’t as confident or relentless (and don’t confuse Chuck’s contrarianism for actually being a good debater). Interesting dynamic. It has to be somewhat frustrating for them I’m sure.