So, about the meta...

Disclaimer 1: The following is for players who at least care somewhat about clearing content and/or meta. For those who are only playing for the story/characters, by all means play the way you want.

Disclaimer 2: This is a shared post made between Ethylene (primary editor of the CTL) and me (Gordan).

Hello fellow timekeepers, it's Ethylene here from the Community Tierlist and Gordan from Prydwen. The both of us have decided to put out a discussion regarding the fluctuating meta in Reverse: 1999. Note that this post is a joint effort, and we're eager to hear your voices!

Who (are we)?

  • "Ethylene" is in charge of rating the characters and creating the teambuilding guide for the Community Tierlist (CTL, first entry pinned in the megathread of this subreddit).
  • "Gordan" is the one who focuses on updating the Prydwen tierlist for Reverse:1999. They are also in charge of updating the teambuilding section (which will receive an update soon).


Ethylene: In the most recent CN patch, version 2.3, we're seeing some interesting changes in how Bluepoch is approaching meta and releasing new units, which is what I'd like to address here. Hopefully our little ramble can help y'all better plan future pulls and if so, all the better.

Ethylene: The two newly released 6* units both have high potential, that much is clear. After Willow's release, Poison team dethroned the previous Lucy team top score in both "Darkness of the Abyss" and "Projection of Nightmare", scoring 22M and 14M respectively. And just the day before, Flutterpage teamed up with Windsong to push the limit again, scoring 25M and 17M with 3-turn cycles instead of the old 30-turn stacking. This is no small feat considering Abyss has +75% Genesis DMG Taken, and Projection encourages killing body parts. It is predicted that the Windsong+Flutterpage team will take most (if not all) other top scores once they rerun.

Ethylene: However, you may have noticed that both units aren't rated particularly high in our tier list (nor in the Prydwen tier list). And it's not because they are portrait gated like a certain unit that just ended rateup in global. No, rather, these units are team gated. Willow is hard bound to Tuesday, her damage potential dropping by a crushing 70% when used without Tuesday. Flutterpage is the same but with extra action teams instead, requiring an average of 4 extra actions per turn to enable her 3rd tier forcefield, which provides a staggering 250% dmg bonus for Windsong in the current raid top score team if all the units are p0 (at p5 the number goes above 700%). Without that forcefield enabled however, she can only add a mere 15% dmg to your attacks. When they are rated in tierlists, we have to consider the situation where someone may not have these teammates, and lower their scores accordingly.

Gordan: I have an addition to this, as Willow will be rated lower compared to Flutterpage on the Prydwen tierlist (A+ and S respectively). Reason being that Willow is tied specifically to Tuesday and that, as Ethylene mentioned, her DMG drops off significantly without Tuesday. On the other hand, Flutterpage just requires Extra Actions, which is a very well supported niche, having a monstrous selection of units to pair with (Windsong, Lucy, Jiu Niangzi, 37, J, Lilya, Ms NewBabel etc.) I do agree that both units should be low "overall" in the style of tierlist that the Community Tierlist handles; in Prydwen's style of tierlist they naturally sway a little higher (another argument to always check more than just one tierlist, as every tierlist will manage different criteria, rating styles and thus different ratings).

Meat and potatoes

Ethylene: It would seem that, to counter the fast rate of power creep (and, the trend among players to skip all standard units for limiteds), Bluepoch is revising their strategy for new units' kit design. Now instead of strong units, we get strong teams and units only strong in these specific teams. This also reflects on the newly added endgame content: In the Rain Reveries, where you farm Euphoria materials. Here, having Afflatus advantage deals much more damage and having Afflatus disadvantage makes you take more damage, and you can choose buffs for certain team synergies like burn, poison, high tier skills, eureka, and more. The Euphoria buffs for the old units also follow the same philosophy, with Druvis becoming a Plant Afflatus buff machine, Eternity acquiring HP Loss synergy and teaming up with Semmelweis, NewBabel joining J to form the perfect riposte duel, boosting J from decent to lowkey meta.

Gordan: We've received a lot of questions in that sense, citing the considerable Euphoria buffs that Druvis and Shamane received as reasons for why they should be higher up on the tier list. For the record, I agree, technically their potentials lay much higher than before (Shamane now has a Ult Spam Anjo Nala team for example), but the sudden shift in unit design philosophy has left the community with a degree of confusion (including me). I'm also just not sure how to rate characters with so much potential (Willow), but who are so bad when their needs aren't met, compared to characters who are generally always good. Jessica can be seen as the precursor to this, but she had redeeming qualities in having team synergy with "Blasphemer of Night" and just having good modifiers on her skills. It will likely require significant changes in the rating criteria and philosophy.


Ethylene: So, what does this entail for the average global player? Well, it means that pull planning should now be based on teambuilding rather than single unit performance. You should consider "Which team am I aiming to build with this unit", not "How strong is this unit if I stick them into a random team". For example, if you're planning to pull Willow, then you should definitely pull Tuesday, both or neither. If you pull Flutterpage, make sure you have enough extra action teammates, be it Anjo Nala, 37 or Jiu (you will need more than one). If you have J, try and get Babel from shop, and If you have Babel, consider pulling J. Units with weaker team synergy should be considered less valuable. It also means that width is now better than depth, in other words, pull different units instead of multiple portraits of one unit. Tests I've done showed that a p0 37 with p0 Flutterpage and p0 Lopera support deals more than a solo p5 37. New endgame content is also leaning more and more towards having the right team instead of having strong units. You cannot brute force all of Reveries even if you have p5 limiteds.

Gordan: I agree with Ethylene here. From what we've seen of the first Reveries, Lucy (our current top damage dealer next to Windsong) is barely usable there (in that 'season', anyway). This, of course, is rather shocking especially considering the chokehold she's had on the meta since her release in 1.9. In this sense, think of this game as following (even more) in the footsteps of Arknights in its early days: look at what teams you enjoy, then grab the units for that team. Soon, the Prydwen Teambuilding section will be updated with specific teams (I've written over 120 different teams with different niches for different subsections of endgame) and the CTL has a different kind of teambuilding guide depending on if you want more exact or more loose perimeters for your teams.

Pulling plans

For those unfamiliar with how pulling plans are usually formatted, the ">" sign means that anything left of it is higher priority than whatever is to its right while the "=" symbol denotes that two options hold the same relevance. As a purely hypothetical example: "Lilya > Flutterpage = Anjo Nala > 37" means that Lilya is the highest priority, then Flutterpage and/or Anjo Nala, then 37.

Poison Team
Consider if you own or plan to get: Sotheby, Vila, Kakania, Druvis III
Unit Importance: Tuesday > Willow

Riposte Team
Consider if you own or plan to get: J, Ms. NewBabel
Unit Importance: J = Ms. NewBabel > Flutterpage

Extra Action Team
Consider if you own or plan to get: Windsong, Lilya, 37, Jiu Niangzi, Isolde, Lucy, J
Unit Importance: Flutterpage > Anjo Nala > J = Ms. NewBabel (pref, both) > Lopera > Argus

Upgrade Team
Consider if you own or plan to get: Marcus, Vila
Unit Importance: Argus

Finally, be prepared that if you don't build synergized teams, Reveries may prove difficult to clear for you, as it requires 3 fully built teams and is far more challenging than Raid (Red) SSS.

It's best to plan and pull wisely.