Second guessing my specialty choice. What would you do?

I am a PGY2 in pediatrics. I am currently on a leave of absence for feeling very burned out.

Starting since my first year I noticed I had trouble keeping with others, a short attention span and always getting distracted by sounds/movements to the point of not able to complete things on time. I also have major trouble with procrastinating tasks/studying. All of this let me feeling like drowning all the time.

On advice of my PD I got tested for ADHD. I seriously thought she was seeing ADHD everywhere because she’s a pediatrician. Turns out I have major ADHD. It is really shocking to me. While I wonder if I should have taken the test while in a better headspace I don’t have any depression or anxiety diagnosis.

Since this condition is not curable I am wondering if I will be able to thrive in peds. My collegues are especially nitpicky and the pace is fast.

What would you guys do? Any fellow ADHDer thriving in their specialty? And which specialty is it?


[not US based, english as a second langage]