What are the most memorable quotes from your residency experience?
What have been some of the most memorable quotes from your residency experience? They can be good, bad, funny, or serious. Below are my examples. What are yours?
- From an attending counseling about if the pt should resuscitate their 23wk neonate- "You have to chose your memory."
- When giving vibroacoustic stimulation to improve variability on fetal heart teacing "stimulating baby with razor"
- Found in delivery note by an intern- "baby flaccid at perineum"
- "If the baby doesn't come out holding the placenta we are doing a hysterectomy"
- "Please excuse my thicc doctor." Followed by "not to be racist, but you don't want to be like the skinny white girls." (For context I am white and apparently not skinny).
Okay, what quotes will you remember for years to come?