How on earth do i do this?

Hundreds of miles away. Am already on 3 psych meds uptitrated, already established with a pcp and psych, have tried being friendly and even did things with co residents for the first month and a half. I moved here with an optimistic outlook but then reality bit.

Already with the same old trifling, two faceness, fake kindness, gossiping, and cliques. Fuck me it’s so tiring. Like we don’t have enough on our plate.

When I got home I sat for 10 minutes in my car. I think I blinked like 7 times. We have our resident didactics once a week and I feel more lonely in a big group than alone in my house.

I’ve trying reaching out more but it’s a ghost town. Not just to work mates but family and friends but apparently everyone on the planet is always busy all the time.

I need some kind of blueprint to make it through this and I can’t figure it out.