Please help me embark on my new adventure into the world of replica science projects.

I’m relatively new to the replica scene, Reddit, and this group. I had some luck with my first two purchases. After reading many posts from the original group members, I noticed that a common thread among Chanel replicas is 187, Xiao C, and God Factory. Since I’m a Taurus ♉ who appreciates luxury and high-quality items (like many of us here), I decided to buy from one of the 187 sellers.

After reaching out, I discovered that prices vary from seller to seller, what’s included in the price, and if you like the packaging experience, they’ll charge an extra fee. I found this quite interesting.

My first purchase was a steal compared to the authentic Chanel (the price for my rep is around $496, and I got a 6% discount for a high-quality replica). By the way, I also learned that there’s no such thing as a 1:1 replica (but please correct me if I’m wrong; all my posts are based solely on research and questions I’ve asked more experienced replica buyers).

After shopping around, I decided to work with Raykey to compare a CF23 caviar leather with SHW to my CF25 caviar leather from another factory. (I know I should get a GHW medium size to compare apples to apples, but I wanted a Navy Blue CF, and SHW seemed more appealing to me.)

She quoted me CNY4080 for the bag and CNY480 for packing and freight (FedEx), which came to approximately $562.60 for the bag and $63.43 for freight, totaling $626.03 for a small bag.

Is this what the ladies who swear by 187 bags are paying? The reason I’m asking is because I’m looking for another Chanel to add to my collection that’s just as high-quality as mine CF25.

Secondly, I want to compare factories and their pros and cons so I can make better decisions when spending my money on replicas.

The picture is from Raykey’s album for reference, showing what I’m looking to purchase.

I greatly appreciate your experience and feedback!

Ps: I added the navy blue with GHW picture as well for voting purposes 😁🫶🏻🙏