Factories for Chanel and Dior?

Hello darlings 👋 . I’m not a newbie for rep bags but yes, I only start doing deep research about factories for bags. I understand not all factories produce all designs or models of Chanel and Dior or other designers brands. I’m a basic person who not really into Trend bags so I just want to receive everyone’s opinion and/or recommendations for Chanel CF23/25 for both gold and silver hardwares; as well as Dior D-Joy and Miss dior please. 🙇‍♀️

I have been contacting 187, God, and XM factory’s sellers, they recommended me really base on their relationship with the factory, or just cannot work with the other factories really.

For Chanel CF and duma backpack, should I go with XM or 187 factory? Because XM hasn’t had many reviews so I’m not so sure should I go for it. About 187 factory, there’s been a mixed reviews with the gold hardware even though their leather can be seen as the best when compared to the original one. Please can you all give me some options and recommendations about these 2 factories? God factory, I just feel like I don’t have the interest about them, even though many sellers in Vietnam (where I usually purchase bags) claim they are the best quality.

2/ For Dior, again, God factory seems really popular in Vietnamese market where almost sellers use their images and say they are the best for Dior, is that true? If not, please can you guys recommend me which factory is your to-go when getting Dior bags?

Thank you so much for reading my post. I’m looking forward to receiving your comments 🥰