first ever replica happen to be from a rehome! 💕
I literally have no words, SHE IS GRACE SHE IS BEAUTY.
My first ever replica purchased from u/ollyah88 and she was soooo friendly and patient. I felt so safe and understood while talking with her about purchasing one of her bags from her rehome post. She packed the bag with care and even included a Chanel Twilly FOR FREE! Really made me question what I did to stumble on such an angel like her. 🥹
I have been eyeing on this bag for a long time but I just couldn't afford spending so much money on an authentic version of this bag AND I'm so glad that I didn't and got myself a replica instead.
First of all, this bag feels amazing. It does not feel cheap. It's really firm but soft at the same time. It literally feels and looks like an authentic one. It blows my mind how good quality it is. I might be overreacting since it is my first replica but oh my god, I was showing this bag off like a maniac ever since I've gotten it. Wore it to run my errands, visiting my family, doing groceries and even to my school, I felt so good wearing it.
First time learning about replicas I did reach out to a known seller to ask about this bag and I had so many questions that was left on read, I didn't feel happy spending about 210€ on a bag that I wasn't so sure of how it looked and if it really did match the pictures. I'm really happy and glad I stumbled upon u/ollyah88 post and snatched this bag right away, so thank you so much! 💕
Here are the pictures of the bag! ✨
Opinions and everything else is welcome~ Thank you for reading! 🌸
I literally have no words, SHE IS GRACE SHE IS BEAUTY.
My first ever replica purchased from u/ollyah88 and she was soooo friendly and patient. I felt so safe and understood while talking with her about purchasing one of her bags from her rehome post. She packed the bag with care and even included a Chanel Twilly FOR FREE! Really made me question what I did to stumble on such an angel like her. 🥹
I have been eyeing on this bag for a long time but I just couldn't afford spending so much money on an authentic version of this bag AND I'm so glad that I didn't and got myself a replica instead.
First of all, this bag feels amazing. It does not feel cheap. It's really firm but soft at the same time. It literally feels and looks like an authentic one. It blows my mind how good quality it is. I might be overreacting since it is my first replica but oh my god, I was showing this bag off like a maniac ever since I've gotten it. Wore it to run my errands, visiting my family, doing groceries and even to my school, I felt so good wearing it.
First time learning about replicas I did reach out to a known seller to ask about this bag and I had so many questions that was left on read, I didn't feel happy spending about 210€ on a bag that I wasn't so sure of how it looked and if it really did match the pictures. I'm really happy and glad I stumbled upon u/ollyah88 post and snatched this bag right away, so thank you so much! 💕
Here are the pictures of the bag! ✨
Opinions and everything else is welcome~ Thank you for reading! 🌸