Am I getting scammed?

I’ve been buying a few items from this seller I’ve been talking to for a while. The products just slaps and very happy with them.

Buuuuut I RL a bag recently and she agreed to give me a refund, because the factory aren’t able to make it better.

“The finance department will issue a refund within 48 hours. Please be patient”.

It’s been more than 48 hours. She doesn’t answer my messages and she’s been online at her normal hours. I’ve asked nicely for an update twice.

Usually she answers right away. But now it feel like she’s ignoring me.. Last time she went silent, she told me she had a leave of abscense and apologized. But lastly she wasn’t online at all.

It was 236$ and I don’t think I’ll be getting them back. But is this normal behavior and is there anything to do? Paid PP F&F.