Rolex Datejust 41mm EWEF
- Dealer name: TheOneWatches
- Factory name: EWEF
- Model name (& version number): Datejust 126334 41mm Jub SS/SS Blue/Stk EWEF A3235
- Price Paid: $318
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- Index alignment: 11 seems most out, but overall think this is very passable
- Dial Printing: ‘C’ in “Officially” is noticeably larger, ‘E’ also has bleeding on a few occasions in this area. Reason to RL - the minutes indicators are dimmer on top half than bottom half of the dial, or am I looking at this wrong?
- Date Wheel alignment/printing: no flaws noticed
- Hand Alignment: no issues found
- Bezel: looks ok to me but this area I am very unexperienced in and would ask for some guidance
- Solid End Links (SELs): small gap top right but forgivable
- Timegrapher numbers: Rate +4s/d Amp 284 degrees Err 0.2ms
- Anything else you notice: nothing additional