Enjoying my RMPP (Update)

A few days ago I posted about how I got a defective RMPP. 

Funny enough I said I'd go back to the best buy a few days later. This was mainly due to the impending weather.  Well I texted my friend that same day, discussing how I was disappointed in the defective product, that I'd try to get a new one before heading home. Got convinced to go back the that day. Proceeded to return it and ask if they had the same bundle (they did, it was the last one of said bundle) and got it as a replacement.

I did see a post talking about a youtuber who mentioned RMPPs serial numbers with the digits 430 (and lower) after the A00 are more likely to have defects(I think that’s what it was?). Which I totally understand because they would be the older batch of RMPPs. So when I saw mine start with 430 I was worried it would have defects again. From what I can tell there aren't any. If there are any they haven't bothered me / I haven’t noticed.

I am enjoying it. I'm currently using it mainly with the type folio, but plan to get into drawing soon. (I did some messing around with the colors, if I make anything I feel like sharing on here I'll post it). I've done a lot of my typing during the darker hours so I'm glad there's a black light on the keyboard too.

I really like that I can FINALLY tell the real difference between the colors. On RM2 I had so many moments with it where I would switch between blue and red a lot. The grey-scale version of them look so alike so when I sent the things to my computer it was very unorganised looking.

I plan to keep my RM2 for a while though. BECAUSE:

  1. In case something happens to my Pro
  2. My sibling has a RM2, so if they do something to theirs I can give them my RM2 (if I'm feeling nice enough at the time)