ScreenX Snow White opening weekend extra (what is it for)?

It's nice to get an extra for seeing Snow White in ScreenX opening weekend at Regal. My question are 1) what are these used for other than being a nice extra? The picture show front and back they are about 10.5 by 1/2" and have a hard plastic interior which has a curve/bend. They seem to long to be a book mark at 10.5" long, and with the bend in them might hurt the book spine? do they have another use? 2) Have these been provided for other ScreenX opening weekend films? Snow White is the first one I've seen them handed out at and I've been to like 15 ScreenX films last 2 years. Note: one extra Item about this showing, the Minecraft Trailer in front of Snow White uses the ScreenX sidewall feature during the trailer - this is also the first time I've seen a trailer use ScreenX features that I can recall.

It's nice to get an extra for seeing Snow White in ScreenX opening weekend at Regal. My question are 1) what are these used for other than being a nice extra? The picture show front and back they are about 10.5 by 1/2" and have a hard plastic interior which has a curve/bend. They seem to long to be a book mark at 10.5" long, and with the bend in them might hurt the book spine? do they have another use? 2) Have these been provided for other ScreenX opening weekend films? Snow White is the first one I've seen them handed out at and I've been to like 15 ScreenX films last 2 years. Note: one extra Item about this showing, the Minecraft Trailer in front of Snow White uses the ScreenX sidewall feature during the trailer - this is also the first time I've seen a trailer use ScreenX features that I can recall.