Alternative to Reddit/forum where knowledgeable people are
Before you laugh at me and say oh you are so smart - I don’t see myself as smart, I just want to read a forum/website where smart people write about things they are good about. I won’t even post/comment there most likely lol. Not until I absolutely certain I know what I am talking about.
Like let’s say hacker news but for other topics of interest.
Reddit tires me with the amount of useless information or wrong information or just amount of comments that are not bringing anything to the discussion but are upvoted to the top nevertheless.
There are places like Lemmy privacy comms where an hour browsing will give you so much useful knowledge about tools for privacy and you can tell the people have the know how and aren’t just farming karma points in some insane circlejerk.
I am talking about places where points matter less than the substance of the comment. You think a lot before commenting because you want to add to the discussion and add information. Lemmy was like that maybe it’s still is but when I look at the busiest comms it lost that charm I think.