The real star of BOTW is the tapes

I had a comment on someone's dum-dum post that got deleted, but I think I had a point that might be useful to the community at large. It was about a "best of" panel, a kind of post we've seen around here a lot. I had a point in there that I think might spur some useful discussion.

There are great episodes that don't have one of the guys, there are episodes that have whoever on the panel that aren't great. What everybody seems to miss is that what makes the episodes are the movies.

Think about the WOTW with Surviving Edged Weapons, an acknowledged classic. If Jack was there instead of Josh it'd still be a classic episode because the tapes were so strong. If any one of the people in that episode was switched for another it'd be just as good because they have great material to work with.

When things get slow around here, we get a proliferation of "this panel is the best" or "I wish x person was on all the episodes" posts, but I think it's the tapes/movies that get picked that really make an episode special. What do you think?