I watched Solo for the first time. It was suprisingly enjoyable.
I have fond memories of the original trilogy, and I liked minor aspects of the prequels (the visual storytelling of the Darth Maul vs. Obi-Wan fight and how the prequels were used in other mediums like games to expand the world of SW).
I found The Force Awakens to be a pointless and somewhat fillery retelling of the original movie, and I didn't like The Last Jedi aside from maybe two scenes. Rise of Skywalker was fun for once in it's own way, I guess. I found Rogue One boring.
So it's fair to say that my opinion about modern SW movies is anything but good, and this is the reason why I also skipped Solo. Today though, I decided to watch it and I was pleasantly surprised.
It has heart. It has humor. The dude who plays Solo was suprisingly natural in his part. The Kessel Run was fun. The movie felt different and somewhat fresh compared to other SW movies.
Sure, the movie had problems (some specific dialogues here and there, the annoying droid, Maul with the pointless lightsaber flexing, etc.) but overall, I enjoyed it a lot. I actually think I enjoyed it more than any of the modern SW movies.
What did you think about Solo?