Wondering how other female RHCP superfans feel..
About Keidis.
I’ve been a mega fan since middle school. I was way-too-young when I read scar tissue (twice). It kinda shattered my view of all of the truly beautiful and romantic poetry in the lyrics to a degree. Before reading, I thought Anthony must have been such an ideal partner. It became perfectly clear at a very young age that Anthony is and was a womanizer.
I kinda just put it to the back of my mind bc the music is so dang good. And well, he is hot so…
Now that I’m nearing 30, and I’ve spent plenty of time in an around the music industry and seen it’s disgusting underbelly and witnessed first hand the abuse on all levels - I really have a hard time trying to reconcile my deep deep love for this music and this band and how many women have (probably) been groomed/used by keidis, for lack of a better way to put it.
Thank god for Flea being the wholesome husband and dad figure - giving him his flowers for sure.
Keidis’ antics have come up in popular culture recently as it seems he’s once again dating some pretty young thang that undoubtedly feels super special to be chosen.
So asking the ladies in here, What do you think? No opinions are wrong and at the end of the day I still absolutely love the band. But I wouldn’t let my theoretical-daughters near Keidis that’s for damn sure lmaooo Is it’s just a boys will be boys, rock stars will be rock stars situation? Does it affect your experience of the music? Is it not that deep? Is it that deep?
I wanna hear from you!
To clarify- this is not come vigilante shit no one is cancelling anyone I’m just here to gain perspective 👍✌️