We don't need a Total War Warhammer40k game. We need a new Warhammer40k RTS inspired more by Command and Conquer Tiberium Wars
A new Total War game based on Warhammer40k makes zero sense lore wise and wouldn't fully capture the grandier epic battles of the Warhammer40k lore. I think the Command and Conquer Tiberium Wars is the perfect inspiration for a new Warhmmer40k RTS. One of the biggest flaws of the Dawn of War games is that the battles always felt so small and tiny. The terrible unit pathfinding for the first game and limited units for the future games were some of the things that I didn't liked about them. The great thing about Tiberium Wars is that the battles always felt incredibly big and epic which captures the average battle of a Warhammer40k universe would look like . A single infantry unit consists of a squad made the battles looked bigger. The reason why the infantry squad units in Tiberium Wars worked ,but not for the first Dawn of War is that the squad units doesn't have their own individual npcs doing their own thing which made the unit infantries in the first DOW just downright horrendous to play with. For Tiberium Wars the squad units do the exact same thing in formation which avoids the terrible pathfinding issue of the first Dawn of War game. The maps are larger while the units are much smaller which is perfect for a new Warhammer40k RTS game.