can anybody relate to this experience?
quite honestly, i'm not sure if this is the best place to put this. i'm not a fan of reddit in the slightest. but i'm not quite sure where else i could get this out properly
sorry if i sound crazy. do any other regular, normal furries struggle with being human? i mean genuinely. i mean, knowing that you'll never be your fursona or an animal of any sorts. not just a passing thought "i wish i could become this" like as an actual issue that ends up taking a toll on you sometimes. "species dysphoria"
NOT because of the "responsibility" that humans have, not because of some mental disorder, not because of trauma, or anything like that. STRAIGHT UP because you like yourself much better as an animal and due to that, you can't stand being human
i know of it, i hear of it all the time, but it's only ever therianthropes (and the like) who mention it. i always say "it's a lot of us who feel this way" but i've never SEEN IT in anyone other than myself. i just assume others exist.
it's not the same as viewing/percieving yourself as an animal, as therians do, it's just a very intense longing. it's in the back of your head constantly. it's a big part of who i am, in fact it feels like it's almost ALL of who i am. honestly i'm not even a furry because i'm "interested" in anthropomorphic animals. i just want to be one in real life, pretty fucking badly. and it's not ironic or anything, or an exaggeration
it's been a lifelong thing that i've had these "feelings" over being something else. but since i joined this community like ~a year ago, it's gotten much more intense. and now, over what has probably been the last 6 months, it's evolved to the point that it's at now. does anyone, in any way, relate at all? or at least know something? i don't know