How to be more present when reading/avoid passive reading?

Hey everyone

Lately I’ve picked up reading, I’ve been reading daily after reading on and off for some years.

Well, I basically have a problem. The other day I finished reading a book, and two days after, when talking to the person who recommended the book, they asked me what my favorite part of the book was.

I had only finished the book two days ago, but I couldn’t think of a part that I liked a lot. I just couldn’t remember. This happens very often with the books I read…

Something that I think is related, is that I don’t get the meaning/symbolism of the books, even the most obvious parts that other friends that don't read get/understand. It's like im just reading words… not a book, and it's hard for my mind to connect the sentences I’m reading as a whole book/story/plot…

I’m very frustrated by this. I try to focus so much, read slowly and think very carefully and clearly of each word I’m reading, then reading it more fluidly as a paragraph, etc… I take notes from phrases or quotes I like, I research the words that I don’t understand… but still, it feels like I’m not really interacting with the book, if that makes sense… like I’m just reading words.

This is why I’ve sticked to novels and only novels and very narrative books, cause this way I can imagine in my head the events/actions/sceneries that are described… but only that. There’s no reasoning or logic. I have tried to read more complex stuff like poetry, essays or just more analytical/ less lineal (narrative [?]) novels but it’s just very hard, and I end up not understanding anything, even if I know the meaning of every single word.

I don’t know if this makes sense at all… tried looking for other posts about this but couldn’t find much.

I hope someone understands what I’m talking about and there’s some way to fix or get over this. I want to be able to read poetry and more complex stuff.

I know I can train my brain, that’s why I’m starting with more easy and action/dialogue-heavy novels but even with this stuff I’m not reading deeply (feels like if I was dissociating or my mind was somewhere else, not in this book; and it’s my eyes the only ones interacting with the book, not my brain… if that makes sense.)

Help a newbie reader out!!! 😞😞