Clearance space for mlm2pro
I have a 14.5x14.5x room and siding to space requirements I should be good for mlm2pro. The problem is this would put the net/screen right up against the wall and the mlm2pro up against the other wall. I assume this would be very tight for the space.
One caveat is I have a little 2.5x2.5’ alcove in the room. Can the unit be placed in this alcove or does the unit need the width clearance right at the unit?
Red circle is mlm2pro, and green triangle is where tee/mat would be.
Thanks for any insight on this!
I have a 14.5x14.5x room and siding to space requirements I should be good for mlm2pro. The problem is this would put the net/screen right up against the wall and the mlm2pro up against the other wall. I assume this would be very tight for the space.
One caveat is I have a little 2.5x2.5’ alcove in the room. Can the unit be placed in this alcove or does the unit need the width clearance right at the unit?
Red circle is mlm2pro, and green triangle is where tee/mat would be.
Thanks for any insight on this!