Why were so many young people stupid enough to vote for Trump?

It used to be the older generation who could be counted on to vote republican. Pensioners... The elderly. But in the 2024 election, there was a sharp rise in the amount of Gen z people who voted for him. Mostly men but why? What do you think Trump will do for you? What do you think he will do if your girlfriend falls pregnant and has to get an abortion? Answer? Ban abortions. Change the curriculum so it favours him? Raise prices by 25% through tariffs which leading economists say are a very bad idea. Let's layout what he has done so far. He has started a trade war with Canada, bullied Ukraine, expressed sympathy for Putin... And you still think he's great? That he's going to "Make America great again"? Honestly, it's maddening. You must know in your heart of hearts that he will do nothing for you. He doesn't care about you. He doesn't care if you are the victim of rape or not. He won't allow you an abortion. He won't allow you to travel to The US to make a better life for you and your family. Remember what he did between 2016 and 2020? He told the American people to drink bleach to fight covid. He told us not to wear covid masks which resulted in the excess deaths of thousands. He has appointed an anti-vaccer as the leader of The FDA (food and drugs administration) and you think he cares if you need a vaccine to stop you from getting tetanus? And, how in god's name could you possibly believe (with all that in mind) that he could possibly be pro life and care about your family. The same guy who 76m Americans voted for. The man who a not insignificant amount of those 76m thought was a man of god, a true Christian? Pro life, patriotic and pro America and working class is doing very unchristian things. Deporting innocent refugees. Spreading baseless claims about them "eating the dogs and eating the cats". It very clearly states in the bible that Jesus said "only those who befriend strangers, clothe the naked, feed the starving, visit the sick and visit those in prison will be allowed in heaven". Is Trump befriending strangers by deporting them on mass? Is he feeding the starving by cutting US foreign aid? No. No and no! Those are Jesus's words, regardless of whether you believe in him or not. The 10 commandments also tell us not to do many of the things that Trump is doing. So perhaps, after seeing that, you'll realise just how Christian Donald Trump is. The answer is not at all. And millions of christians voted for him. America, what have we come to?