Rajputs should stay out of the "Cringe caste culture" of social media.
Idk if this would offend anyone , i really don't care actually.
On social media , mainly instagram we have some "Rajput pages" whose main concern is nth but to indirectly insult their own community. Not talking about all such pages but a few. Some pages are made for fun and post harmless funny content and some are educatonal/informative etc.. .
But then we have these low life so called Rajputs on social media. Their whole personality is based on their limited understanding of the Rajput community and talking shit about other people - Cringe videos , cringe "Rajputi songs". Amongst all of this , the thing I find most distrubing is their comments on women with casteist slurs targeted at women of other castes. Ironically these are the same people who claim to continue the legacy of their ancestors. Our ancestors were rulers who faught for their Praja ( प्रजा ). The Praja included women most of whom were ofc non-Rajputs. Our ancestors faught for protecting women from tyrants regardless of their ( the women's ) caste. We ofc have other caste people crying about "Jodha-Akbar" without knowing any history but we don't have to get on their level , maybe their culture doesn't teach them to respect women but our's does. We are worshippers of Shakti. We should respond to them , no doubt about that but we should not become like them and downgrade ourselves. If they don't understand , let them cry as they don't have any history of their own.
As a whole I find this culture of cringe Rajput pages distrubing and dangerous for the community in long term.
Rajputi songs are fine but should not be taken as representatives of our community. Hasi mazak ke liye thik hai. Harmless jokes.
Idk if this post would stay on the sub as , I'm sorry but the mods here are high on God knows what. They find any personal opinion offensive. I just hope this one doesn't get deleted.
All of this was my opinion and you're open to disagree on any of the points i made. I think everything I've said is not at all offensive to our community but is for the betterment of it.
Jai Rajputana !