Why do Indians still fight over states even after moving abroad?

When I was doing my bachelor's in Chennai, I was surprised by how many people didn’t even know that Chhattisgarh is a state. A lot of them thought Chandigarh and Chhattisgarh were the same place. At first, it was shocking, but then I kept hearing things like, "What even is in Chhattisgarh?" or "Raipur is non-existent."

Now that I’m studying abroad, I thought this mindset would change, but nope—Indians here are still doing the same thing. People still argue over which city is better, which state has more opportunities, and basically try to put other places down. I mean, come on, even after moving abroad, why are we still stuck on this? Instead of differentiating ourselves based on states, can we just stop with this unnecessary competition?