“The death of siege” rant

For the love of all things holy can y’all please just shut up about how “2016 siege was peak siege and current siege is dog shit Ubisoft really ruined it.” Y’all have the worst case of rose tinted glasses I swear it gets brought up in literally every other post about the game some jack ass feels the need to bring up how the games dying or whatever and at this point I think all of you just need to find something else and leave the damn community. I stopped playing over watch a couple years ago because I felt like it was moving in a direction I didn’t really enjoy as much and I hopped back into it every few months but what I don’t do is go into overwatch forums and YouTube content and bitch and moan about how blizzard ruined a good game because nobody gives a fuck about my opinion. Siege has its problems but so does every god damn game, if y’all really think year one and two siege were that great you clearly don’t remember the atrocious hit reg, balance, servers, etc. at this point these people aren’t even giving criticism they just wanna complain. “Siege is dying” yeah you dummies said that during operation health.