[CONFIRMED] Siege is sticking with the 2 operator per year format (which sucks!)
Justin, who is one of the lead operator designers, revealed that there has been a definitive change to the release schedule of operators down to 2 a year.
This started in Year 9 (which we are currently in) and unfortunately seems to be maintained into the future. I’m guessing the other two seasons will either come with a new map or an operator rework.
Either way, this is damning news. We have such little content entering the game now that the operator was the saving grace. Now we will get season inevitably with very minimal content that will hurt the game long-term just like New Blood did (which the dev team themselves apologised for in the Twin Shells reveal).
We are essentially guaranteed 2 seasons per year with little to no interesting or engaging content for the masses. New characters will ALWAYS be the biggest attraction for new and existing players so limiting this is absolutely insane.
Considering Siege is Ubisofts big live-service money maker and nothing is on the horizon to dethrone this, they should be pumping more resources into the game to keep it fresh and engaging thus keeping players happy and wanting to spend money.
Having 2 ops a year will be the thing that hurts the game the most. They will never get on top of the cheating problem and now we have literally no substantial content to keep existing players engaged enough for 2-3 months per these dry, content-lacking seasons.
Justin, who is one of the lead operator designers, revealed that there has been a definitive change to the release schedule of operators down to 2 a year.
This started in Year 9 (which we are currently in) and unfortunately seems to be maintained into the future. I’m guessing the other two seasons will either come with a new map or an operator rework.
Either way, this is damning news. We have such little content entering the game now that the operator was the saving grace. Now we will get season inevitably with very minimal content that will hurt the game long-term just like New Blood did (which the dev team themselves apologised for in the Twin Shells reveal).
We are essentially guaranteed 2 seasons per year with little to no interesting or engaging content for the masses. New characters will ALWAYS be the biggest attraction for new and existing players so limiting this is absolutely insane.
Considering Siege is Ubisofts big live-service money maker and nothing is on the horizon to dethrone this, they should be pumping more resources into the game to keep it fresh and engaging thus keeping players happy and wanting to spend money.
Having 2 ops a year will be the thing that hurts the game the most. They will never get on top of the cheating problem and now we have literally no substantial content to keep existing players engaged enough for 2-3 months per these dry, content-lacking seasons.