Hi! New to the community and rabbits world :)
We got her yesterday :) first time having a rabbit and she joined us two plus 3 cats (girls). We were afraid about the cats reaction but it went actually well. 1 doesn’t care at all, second is super curious and the more interested in interacting and the thirds she is just scared and doesn’t know what to make of the rabbit :) (she did the same when the third kitty arrived home) We are learning as we go, we have a temp enclosure but bought a bigger one for her. (We have been letting her out in the room supervised and she just loves hopping around) . The catching her to put her back now that’s a problem. Guess we are new , the house is new and we learn that actually rabbits hate to be picked up and there also are ways to do it . Anyway any suggestions/recs for new rabbit parents are welcome