RX100M7A not showing Wi-Fi settings in menu

Hi, I have just purchased a new DSC-RX100M7A from a Sony online store in the UK. My new camera has just the single option in the Wi-Fi settings menu (Network1/Wi-Fi Settings) it is the SSID/PW Reset. When I took it to a Sony camera shop I saw that their DSC-RX100M7 had 3 more options, MPS Push, Disp MAC Adress, and Access Point Set. Sony retailer says that Sony has got rid of the Wi-Fi items in the menu in the newer cameras (like mine). can this really be true, or do I have a faulty camera? Someone with a DSC-RX100M7A may be able to verify? Sony cusomer support are no help at all... Thanks for any help if possible. PS, the 'A' just signifies it has a charging adapter with it.

Shops RX100M7 on left my RX100M7A on right

I should say that I have a support case open with Sony support since Monday and done some support tasks with them like reseting the camera 3 times now but I dont think anyone I have spoken to has any knowledge of the camera at all and they have no clue if its by design or a fault, they have just yesterday sent the case over to the technical team.

I know too that the Wi-Fi settings are of limited use anyway, and using my mobile to remotely control the camera works fine as does the USB cable to the computer, and I just put the SD card in the computer to transfer images.

It's just that various people at Sony just don't know, the retailers, support.... and it's new camera.