Wages and Benefits for IBEW Local 666 electricians
The Journeymen of IBEW Local 666 recently receive the largest raise we've ever gotten. Larger than our previous largest raise by 25 cents, as a matter of fact.
Being a part of the team that negotiated this raise is certainly among my proudest accomplishments since working in the union hall.
The wages in IBEW Local 666's inside construction jurisdiction are as follows:
- Journeyman- $33.58/hr
- Foreman- $36.94/hr
- General Foreman- $37.95/hr
- CW1- $13.48/hr (0-2000hrs exp)
- CW2- $14.33/hr (2001-4000hrs exp)
- CW3- $15.17/hr (4001-6000hrs exp)
- CW4- $16.86/hr (6001-8000hrs exp)
- CE1- $20.23/hr (8001-10000hrs exp)*
- CE2- $21.91/hr (10001-12000hrs exp)*
- CE3- $26.97/hr (12000hrs+ exp)*
- APP1- $17.80/hr
- APP2- $19.48/hr
- APP3- $20.15/hr
- APP4- $22.16/hr
- APP5- $24.18/hr
- APP6- $26.86/hr
\ with a minimum of 8001hrs of verified experience qualifies you to take our journeyman exam. pass it, your a journeyman. Fail it, we will classify you according to your experience and enlist you in a training program to help you become a journeyman.)
The percentages on all our benefits remain the same, but they're now the same percentage of a higher number, so for Journeymen, SERF increases to $7.29/hr, H&W increases to $7.89/hr, and NEBF increases to $1.01/hr, making the new Journeyman total package $49.77/hr.
March 1st 2022 marks the beginning of the second year of a 3 year contract, so we already know we're getting an even bigger raise next year.
At this point, I'm very optimistic about our negotiating position for our next contract which will be negotiated about 2 years from now.
If you're ready to live a better life, please message me today.