Share your check stub with us.

In IBEW Local 666 we engage in collective bargaining, which means we make more money and have better benefits than people who do the same job as us, in the same area, who don't engage in collective bargaining.

This is an economic fact, and it's very easy to prove.

Our Journeyman wage is 37.95 per hour. Our benefits, which we don't pay out of pocket for, push our total package above 55 dollars per hour.

If you are a non-union electrician, working in construction, in a non-supervisory role, in the Richmond area (that's the apples to apples comparison to our Journeymen) and you think individual bargaining works better than collective bargaining, Share your check stub with us.

I'm not saying there couldn't possibly be one out there, but I have never in my life seen one that showed a higher total compensation.