Rog Ally Performance differs on battery VS on charger. Need a fix!

So to start off, for those who are unaware, your ROG Ally's performance is not the same while running on battery vs while running plugged in. If you don't believe me then try it for yourselves. Set your power profile to either Silent or Performance, toggle the FPS counter, then try plugging/unplugging the charger. You'll see a significant change in performance.

Anyway, I've tried changing the power settings in Windows so that the CPU would have the same values on both DC and AC, and nothing improved. I've tried the QuickCPU utility, I've tried HandheldCompanion, I've tried the AutoTDP .bat file that's floating around the internet, and none of these worked for me either. Unplugging the device from the charger instantly drops the performance/framerate by ~20%.

This is so infuriating. Most other handhelds don't have the same issue. I want the performance I've paid for regardless of whether or not I'm playing on battery or on charger.