Can I ask you for an advice?
Help me. I’ve been dating a guy for a months. He’s fantastic. He treats me in a way no one has ever treated me. He’s very kind, considerate, clever, funny, he has a lot of good qualities that I’m looking for in a partner. But I have this feeling that something is off, that something is missing and that something is not right. I just can’t stop thinking about it and I feel like I want to have an answer for why I’m feeling this way. There’s no objective reason why I’m feeling this way. No red flags, nothing “tangible”. I’ve dealt with ROCD during my previous relationship. I asked my psychotherapist if she thinks that it’s ROCD again and she said yes. But I don’t know if it is or not. I just have this feeling that something is not right. I just don’t know what to do. I don’t know if it is a gut feeling or not. I’m afraid that. I’m afraid that this feeling is just rocd playing its game and that I would let go a good person that really cares about me