Does anyone else prefer melee over gun play?
I love rdr2 gunplay but the melee combat just feels more fleshed out, even in gunfights depending you can rush in for a tackle, and it's a solid plan if you catch your opponent reloading. I hope in rd3 we get more tactical gun play with maybe being able to fire a shot while diving or taking a human shield etc stuff that's already in the game that npcs do but you can't. Also I hope there's a snap shot mechanic, playing on console I can't flick a mouse and do a 180 to shoot somebody so something like how micah shoots would be cool but that's probably difficult to do.
I love rdr2 gunplay but the melee combat just feels more fleshed out, even in gunfights depending you can rush in for a tackle, and it's a solid plan if you catch your opponent reloading. I hope in rd3 we get more tactical gun play with maybe being able to fire a shot while diving or taking a human shield etc stuff that's already in the game that npcs do but you can't. Also I hope there's a snap shot mechanic, playing on console I can't flick a mouse and do a 180 to shoot somebody so something like how micah shoots would be cool but that's probably difficult to do.