Odd and surreal childhood memory.
Hi guys. I was recently just thinking about stuff, as one does, and I just remembered this memory from when I was a kid. This is how the memory went.
This took place when I was around 9 or 10. My family was on a trip to Sydney, and we went shopping, sightseeing, typical family stuff. Well, eventually, I was alone with my mom, and she REALLY had to use the bathroom, like BUSTING. The problem was, the building we were in had a bathroom line, and it was pretty big... so obviously my mom wasn't gonna make it. This next part is where things get weird. This man came up to me and my mom and told us there was a bathroom if we went up an elevator. My mom was relieved and so we went up the elevator. When we got off though, we weren't in a bathroom. Hell, not even a sign indicating us to a bathroom. Now, this is what really makes me believe something fishy was going on... The area of the building we were in just had a... bad vibe to it... It was sort of liminal space-esque. There was debris scattered all over the blue shag carpet, and there were several different doorways going God knows where. The worst part was, this place was eerily empty. You'd think with a bathroom line THAT SIZE there would be at least SOMEONE walking through here... but no. Not a single soul. It was next to DEAD silent on that floor. So quiet you could hear a pin drop. Me and my mom's head were spinning, and we both agreed to get out of there, but when we tried to leave through the elevator it wouldn't work. My mom panicked and was practically about to kick the elevator down just to leave. This was very stressful for 9-10 yo me. Next thing I know, I'm back out with my family on the sunny Sydney streets. No mention of what had happened. Nothing. Just chatting about other stuff, and laughing. No acknowledgement whatsoever.
That's where my memory ends. When I was thinking about it I was like: ha ha what a neat memory. Then I collected myself and was like: "WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK WAS THAT ABOUT?!" So yeah. I'm just curious for insight on what could have happened. I'm willing for any answer, really, and I want to have peace of mind of what this could be. cya.
EDIT: Hello everyone! Sorry for the wait. I asked my mom if she remembered the incident and luckily, she did! She said she was equally befuddled as I was, and we still don't know much about it. However, she was able to remember the area we were in at the time. The Darlinghurst area of Sydney! I hope that helped, and I'll be seeing you if I have any updates! cya!