Help! Have sexually explicit images been posted of my friend?

So over the last few days my friend has been followed by over 100+ men on Instagram.

At first she just thought it was weird bots, but as more and more people started following her she started getting the creeps and she asked them where they found her, and she keeps getting the same response.

The conversation goes ‘Hey! I just wanted to ask you where you found my Instagram handle, I’ve had a lot of new follows recently and I’m just wondering where I’ve been posted’

To which the common response is ‘hey, yeah I can’t remember where I found you lol, I just thought you were cute’

One guy said ‘were you at a concert recently’(so vague), another said ‘somewhere on twitter, I’ll find it for you’ and never replied.

I feel like all the guys are being intentionally vague because whatever is posted of her is sus. Nobody has any nude photos of her that she knows of and all her social media pages are private.

Could someone have made deepfake content of her and posted it somewhere? Could someone that follows her have posted pics from her social media in some group?

The follows have been easing off over the last day (down from two per hour to one every three hours) so it seems like it could be on a thread that’s getting new posts and the post of her is getting older.

Is there any way to find out where/what is posted of her? She’s just a bit worried there’s fake pornographic content out there of her.

Thanks guys!