Reporting all rat bathing posts

Ok, let me know if I'm overreacting, but I've had enough. Instagram has been showing me more and more rats being bathed in soapy water. They're all just "omg look how cute this is!!", and just now I saw a video of like 10 rats in a sink in weird, almost waste-y looking water, and the audio is a bewildered person going "omg look! They're loving the warm water! That's crazy!" - obviously not the words of a person who knows what they're doing. The thing is, there are legitimate reasons to bathe a rat, but these videos are promoting the opposite - putting rats in danger for likes. The more "cutesy" videos like that are there, the more people will do it just to get those likes. And there is nothing we can do about that apart from reporting those videos. Commenting explanations on why it's harmful will only boost their views (engagement is engagement, the algorithm doesn't care if your view is negative or positive). I know that my reports will not actually block the videos - even if the moderators knew that baths are harmful for rats, I'm talking about Instagram and they're Meta so I don't expect a lot of moderators to actually work there. BUT! Let me know if this happens on tiktok. I haven't used it in ages but if you've seen these videos rising in popularity, there might be something I could do. Thanks!

Edit (because a few people have the reading comprehension of a donkey): this post is about people making content for likes by dunking rats in soapy water and then laughing at how "cute" it is when they're frantically trying to clean themselves, inhaling and ingesting all that soap. I know some rats like water. I'm not saying water is evil. I'm saying that more and more people see these videos and think it's a good idea to just bathe their rats for no reason at all and potentially cause them harm, so it would be good to try to dampen their popularity.