Almost 2 Months Sober

I’m approaching my 2 month sobriety date and I wanted to share what I’ve learned during this time of reflection. This will be a blunt list, but it’s what I’ve learned.

1) Excuses. Building the habit of creating excuses in order to avoid quitting will follow you once you’ve quit. During the deepest parts of my addiction I was making any sort of excuse to quit tomorrow or next week, and let me tell you tomorrow never came. Now, I find myself making excuses to avoid doing hard things like running, lifting, etc. I have to retrain my brain to stop making excuses for “hard” things otherwise I’ll remain stagnant and will never grow.

2) You will not find another supplement like FF, stop trying to recreate it or find something like it. In the first few weeks of being sober I was determined to find something to replace it. I also saw someone ask how to recreate FF with regular Kratom, you cannot, don’t try. There’s nothing that’ll be like FF. Focus on finding something healthy to obsess over.

3) Using regular Kratom in place of FF is switching one addiction for another. It’s what I did with FF I quick drinking and used FF and became addicted. Quit them both, white knuckle it, and find the beauty in not using. I still drink occasionally but never more than 2.

4) It does get better. The first few days of not using sucks, I’m not going to sugar coat that, BUT IT DOES GET BETTER. Once you’re out of WD and can focus on healing it’s such a great feeling, it’s a relief. Exercise, eat well, and lean on whoever knows about the addiction to help you through it.

5) There is no benefit to using this product even in small amounts. You will build a tolerance to the small amount and then that’s when the slippery slope is formed. Don’t rationalize using it.

I love my life now. I’m lifting 5 days a week, running almost daily to train for more Spartan races & marathons, my gut issues have basically vanished, I can eat food again without feeling sick, my brain fog has improved immensely, I can sleep soundly, and my relationships are flourishing. You can get here too.

Stop the viscous cycle of waking up, using, using some more, sleep, and wake up to do it all over again. It isn’t going to end well.

Any questions or thoughts please comment below.

Love you all 🖤