This is my attempt to create a grassroots PSA campaign to get the word out about the risks of oil heat. I'm open to any suggestions on how to do this better. For now, here goes.

IF YOU HAVE OIL HEAT you need to know the following,

in Massachusetts…

  • The Homeowner is fully responsible for the cost of the cleanup —even if they had no idea this could happen.
  • Cleanup costs can exceed $500,000.
  • Massachusetts homeowners insurance doesn’t cover oil spills UNLESS you request a special rider know as "escaped" fuel endorsements—something we were never told about. (This does require a thorough tank inspection and certification by a licensed tank contractor).


On February 8, we woke up to a cold house. Despite having our tank filled just weeks earlier, we were out of oil. Confused, we called the oil company, expecting a simple explanation. Instead, we got the kind of news that makes your stomach drop. Our tank had leaked—190 gallons of oil had seeped into the ground beneath our home. It spread into our French drain, pumped toward the street and impacted the storm drain. Firefighters and environmental officials contained the spill, preventing it from reaching the river. But while the environmental emergency was stopped, the nightmare was just beginning.

After discovering the leak, we were required to hire an environmental cleanup company and a Licensed Service Professional (LSP) to oversee the process. It was obvious how bad things were by the way these professionals looked at us—not with reassurance, but with pity. That look said everything. You have no idea what you’re in for.

At first, there was some indication that our oil company might bear some of the cost.  After all, they serviced our tank monthly for 20 years. Surely, they would have noticed something was wrong? But the DEP ruled they weren’t liable, and that small sliver of hope vanished.

We sought legal advice, only to be told what we already feared: in Massachusetts, the homeowner is on their own. No help. No shared responsibility. No legal recourse. Just a mountain of debt we never could have prepared for. In just the first five weeks, we racked up estimates of $80,000 in cleanup costs—and it’s only the beginning. We have no idea what the final number will be. We were so close to paying off our home. Instead, we’re facing a second mortgage. The weight of it all—financially and emotionally—is crushing.  And this is just the beginning of a very long road ahead of us.

My goal in reaching out to you is to raise awareness

  • Inform people with oil tanks that they can obtain additional insurance needed to cover this type of disaster.
  • And that tanks should be replaced every 15 - 20 years, there are new stainless steel, double walled options that are a more durable option.  

What you can do?

Tell everyone you know, feel free to share this story.

HD517 (Roy) and SD1847 (Oliveira), collectively known as the “LSPA Bills,” are currently in committee. These bills would require insurance companies to include liquid fuel spill coverage in Massachusetts homeowners' insurance policies. Unfortunately, they have tremendous support but have been repeatedly deprioritized for other bills.

Please consider reaching out to House Speaker Ronald Mariano at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and your state representative to express the importance of protecting oil using Massachusetts residents. LINK TO LIST OF REPS

No family should have to experience this level of financial devastation due to an oil spill