Hi, I apologize for the length, and you can all look in my post history or ask questions if you want/are confused, because my situation/life is complicated so I’ll try my best to answer. But both my parents are going through a messy divorce, and are abusive. Our legal situation is a mess because my dads makes probably over $150k a year, but my mom makes around $28k a year, so there’s a large difference, but my dad hasn’t given a penny in over a year, doesn’t pay child support, etc. My dad was incredibly toxic and abusive which probably made my mom’s behavior worse, but I’m not excusing it, but that’s why our life is so bad, because in NY it’s hard to support 2 kids on that little, and our quality of life was a lot higher before we were forced out of our home. My question is, would I still qualify for questbridge or other aid? I know there’s a $65k limit but since my dad hasn’t paid anything I assume that’s fine? My dad has completely disowned me and won’t even respond to texts or pay application fees, but I was top of the class on track to go to an ivy (academically and rowing but ivies don’t give sports money), but between the divorce, the abuse, my chronic illnesses, and my sexuality/being disowned, I would appreciate all the advice because working hard my whole life for so many things to go wrong for me makes it incredibly hard to keep going, but I’m sure you all understand that. And if I cannot do questbridge, have any of you or a parent or guidance counselor called about the circumstances, because I’m trying my best not to give up despite wanting to, because these past few years have been insane. Thanks!!
(Also I saw something about gap years being a possible problem so if any of you have dealt with that I’d really appreciate it)