Feature could not be written to Voronoi_polygons_f55a11a0_70f1_4532_b1e2_ace1cffc955c: Could not add feature with geometry type GeometryCollection to layer of type Polygon

Keep getting this error message when I try to create a Voronoi diagram from a point layer. I wasn't sure if it was a problem with a couple of the points in the layer, but it doesn't matter if it's just a subset of points or the whole thing, I keep getting the same error. What's going on and how can I fix it?

Full code:

QGIS version: 3.34.4-Prizren

QGIS code revision: decd43dc

Qt version: 5.15.3

Python version: 3.9.18

GDAL version: 3.8.4

GEOS version: 3.12.1-CAPI-1.18.1

PROJ version: Rel. 9.3.1, December 1st, 2023

PDAL version: 2.6.0 (git-version: 3fced5)

Algorithm started at: 2024-10-20T02:02:51

Algorithm 'Voronoi polygons' starting…

Input parameters:

{ 'BUFFER' : 100, 'COPY_ATTRIBUTES' : True, 'INPUT' : 'memory://Point?crs=EPSG:27700&field=VALUE:double(20,8)&uid={93f3b71f-c15e-46b9-8a23-1626c1021a30}', 'OUTPUT' : 'TEMPORARY_OUTPUT', 'TOLERANCE' : 0 }

Feature could not be written to Voronoi_polygons_23650b99_c193_40fb_87c8_fd4ffb0e1cf3: Could not add feature with geometry type GeometryCollection to layer of type Polygon

Could not write feature into OUTPUT

Execution failed after 3.31 seconds

Loading resulting layers

Algorithm 'Voronoi polygons' finished