InProgress: A Library based on the Curses Library that lives up to the name. Any thoughts?

It is still in progress. It has a LOT of potential to be honest. Here is how it is look like in perspective of you using my library:

from curses import wrapper
from src.divine import *

def main(scr):
  class MainMenu(Heaven):
        def __init__(self):

            self.maxy = 13
            self.maxx = 30

            option = ''

            while True:

                self.write(f"Selected: {option}", 0, 2)

                self.write("Mini Game", 2, 5, pullx=True, pully=True)
                self.write("=========", pullx=True, leading=1)

                self.write("1.Start Game", pully=True, pullx=True)
                self.write("2.Save Game", pullx=True)
                self.write("3.Load Game", pullx=True)
                self.write("0.Quit Game", pullx=True, leading=1)

                # Using pullx instead of adding y and x are better
                # than adding everything because when it is time 
                # for you to change the root y and x for whatever 
                # reason, you will need to change all the other y 
                #  and x after root

                option = self.ask("Enter an option: ")

                if option not in ('0', '1', '2', '3'):
                    option = ''

                elif option == '0':



I will create my own wrapper later, but this is just for pre-showcasing. You can deactivate the border, modify the border, you can create a ready made inputbox. Think it as a HTML and CSS but for terminal. Ofcourse it is not perfect yet! I need feedbacks! THANKS!