Welcome Home!!!! Players Wanted

Burn Baby Burn (BBB) State 441 - is looking for daily players who enjoy being involved in our gaming family and events. We are an active, knowledgeable alliance with a no tolerance for drama. If you are in an alliance that isn't helping or all alone in the dark corners of your state, come join us! Questions? Feel free to reach out on discord painted transparent#4018 Or any of our leadership in game Alliance Fort S:441 X:300 Y:522

•Minimium might requirement 80 mil •Active, knowledgeable alliance • Drama free, we all matter • Awesome discord channel •Showdown (level 30) & Alliance Trial are mandatory •Players from all over the world; hence a rotating event schedule (-3/5 hrs/+1-2 hrs) • State ranked 20th in Diamond WK • We and our farm are in NAP - earned by participating in WK • No waiting to enter for WK, we run 1 of 4 Wk alliances •Going to need a short break from playing? Join our farm to stay safe in NAP until you can play again • 1 active farm of at least 50mil might allowed into main alliance Very secure, organized and established state

Contact us if you're interested!